What is ASTODI?


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Astodi is a media content management tool that helps production companies working with a high volume of large media files to boost efficiency and collaboration by preparing their files to be catalogued, shared and monetized using a simple browser.

ASTODI does not store your original files – they stay on their original place: on your cloud or on your local storage. ASTODI however creates a low resolution thumbnail and a proxy file for faster operation. These are placed on our servers, so you can reach them and work with your files anytime.
ASTODI can handle most of the popular video-, image- and audio formats. For video and audio processing, ASTODI uses Ffmpeg. You can see the detailed list of compatible formats on the Ffmpeg website:
https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-formats.htmlFor image processing (thumbnail generation) ASTODI uses ImageMagick. You can see the full list of supported formats here:
https://imagemagick.org/script/formats.phpThe ASTODI Browser app can run on every modern Mac/PC that is capable of running a web browser sufficiently. It runs in most of the popular browsers, like Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. However, as it’s mainly developed on Chrome, we recommend the usage of Google Chrome, version 80.0.39. The ASTODI Browser App is optimized for macOS and Windows. At the moment we are working on a version that will be suitable for the most popular tablets too.
ASTODI works with your files stored on cloud based services like Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive (coming soon) and also on your hard drives. Therefore it makes it possible for you to organize your content in one place without moving the files from their original folder. All the metadata – and the lower resolution proxy files and thumbnails of your originals – are stored on our servers, therefore you can reach, tag, and upload your files to stock agencies with one application from any location, with minimal required bandwidth.
Yes, there are many ways for collaboration in ASTODI. You can just share your project or projects with others.